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Writer's pictureZoe Koulouris

The Spartan haikuist

For as long as I can remember, I have always been intrigued by the Japanese poetry style of haiku. And truth be told, I never wondered why. I just gravitated to it. However, as I began ramping up my poetry writing in recent months and testing different styles, haiku became my go-to form because it aligns perfectly with my Spartan culture.

Stay with me, as it will make sense in the end!

My origin is Spartan. One can also say Laconian (Sparta is the capital of Laconia, the southeastern region of the Peloponnese peninsula). Historically, Spartans were known for their disciplined, no-frills way of living. Okay, I like some frills, like leopard patterns, winged eyeliner and sequins here and there, but I am a minimalist at heart—at home and at work. In terms of the former, this means few but key pieces of art, mostly bare walls and a disciplined diet. Workwise, it means not caring about having a desk window, for instance, but rather having a machine that helps me work efficiently and quickly.

Haiku, for my part, fits this lifestyle. Have you ever tried to put down emotions, thoughts, descriptions, etc., in only 17 syllables? No, it’s not easy, but I love it. It’s fun, it’s challenging and, at the end of the day, it’s rewarding because it takes discipline to make it work. Think about it. As Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote, "Easy reading is damn hard writing."

Do you have a preferred poetry-writing style? Share away!

Until next time….

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Gabriel R. Lehoux
Gabriel R. Lehoux
Apr 08, 2021

This is beautiful.

Well writting as always!

Apr 08, 2021
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Merci! Je l'apprécie beaucoup!

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